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Start, Enhance or Upgrade your Daily Practice for Living In The Light–Flow State
Ann Paquin and Jennifer Levy offer a 4 class course of the The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ Map and Light-filled principles.
Learn how to strengthen your connection and grounding for powerful alignment and recalibration to your robust Flow State; 4 Featured Solutions ( and how to personalize) including Your Enlightenment Healing Word™ for activating the Subconscious and Spirit, 5 Golden Rules for Divine Guidance and Healing and more.
Ignite your powerful, exquisite Light. Strengthen your 2-way connection to authentic Divine Guidance.
Group Light-Meditations (Free)
Ann Paquin and Jennifer Levy will be offering 2 Light-Meditations with a fun focus for Science Lovers based upon Dr. Sierra’s Advanced Light Meditation Method.

Jennifer is Dr. Sierra’s sister who has taken the first ever 6-day intensive (2004) and many classes since. She has a Bachelors of Science in Health Education with a minor in Psychology, a Masters in Special Education, and is licensed to teach science, psychology, health, alternative education, and special education. Jennifer is also an outdoor enthusiast and animal and tree lover. She loves looking for and finding sparks of JOY in everyday life to cherish and download. Jennifer brings many dimensions of how to work with this beloved Meta-Healing-Arts System for self care, reducing stress and holding space and Light for individual/family/children/pet challenges, and is available for Resonance Healing® sessions.
We’re aiming to offer these on Tuesdays ( dates TBD) : 7pm EDT, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific, 2 pm Hawaii. Email Ann at [email protected], if you are interested and let us know your availability needs.
Free, Liberate and Enlighten Your Personality
Upcoming Book- Dr. Sierra L. Levy and Ann Paquin
My deep passion and purpose is to live, practice, explore and share The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® System’s proven Map and pathways for transformation, relief and being our most authentic Selves.
I have been co-writing “The Book” with and about Dr. Sierra’s Light Legacy including The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Map™. In this comprehensive, extraordinary Light-filled process, I have experienced exponential growth, transformation, expansiveness, liberation, clarity, fun, joy and new ways of being. I enjoy a stronger, open Highest-Light two-way connection to Source, grounded to the Earth and confidently follow practical, reliable True guidance.
With expanded multi-dimensional awarenesses and ongoing growth, liberation and transformation, I have been blessed with heaven on earth experiences. I have cultivated and practice sustaining a healthy, peaceful body-mind-heart-Spirit with Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® principles, Map, and upgrades. Both Dr. Sierra and I are eager to complete this evolutionary Light book and publish it in Divine Timing.
Resonance Healing® Group Light Meditation and Healing

Bask in The Resonance Group Field of High Vibration for more
Light, Flow, Peace, Love, Passion, Joy, Abundance and Healing!
Join us for a weekly 45-minute FREE Light-Filled Wednesday’s June 19-August 7
1 pm Hawaii, 4 pm Pacific, 5 pm Mountain, 6 pm Central, 7 pm Eastern
“I’m sad that this is our last session but so very grateful for the time we have had together. I have a hard time quieting my mind for meditation but this format has worked more easily for me. Thank you, thank you for offering and leading these sessions!! You are both amazing beings of light!!” ~ SC New York