Resonance Healing® offers Lightworkers, Reiki Masters and You on the Light Path of becoming the best version of yourself a Map for finding and verifying True Priorities, including optimal personalized techniques/tools, location and timing for most fulfilling and reliable results.
The revolutionary, timely and brilliant Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Enlightenment System™ highlights and supports efficiently and effectively clearing out what doesn’t serve and powering up the positives—created and founded by Dr. Sierra L. Levy . This cosmic, grounded, super-empowering, beloved system and practice informs all the work I do and teach. It provides focus and awareness of grounding & connecting to your Highest-Light at all times, as primary–especially when asking for or seeking True guidance, clarity and Priorities for solutions, healing, progress, clarity and healthy authentic relationship.

The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Map™ and principles support you being in flow with your authentic self, aligned with your highest intentions and greatest resourcefulness——without interferences or being distracted during these globally connected and transformational times. You live, dream and create with your Higher Self starting where you are. You don’t need to suffer or hit rock bottom to grow, heal, unconditionally love, transform and become the most expanded, authentic, beautiful version of You.
Released Big Issues and Emotional Scars
Ann has been a tremendous help in working out and releasing some pretty big issues and emotional scars in my life. She is very knowledgeable in her field and has been able to pin point some pretty powerful painful things that have been holding me back from being the best I can be. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to “figure out” some life lessons and notice and change old habits. She has helped with childhood issues as well as self-criticism and sabotaging patterns.
~TL, Massachusetts
A wide breadth, depth and personalization of Resonance Healing® resources support you being in the Flow and your authentic, most-resourceful Highest Self. True Pinnacles and Priorities expand your Lightness, clear blocks and offer fulfilling multi-dimensional solutions and progress.
Some of the Resonance Healing® Tools and Techniques may include but are not limited to: Light Flows, Energy and Advanced Meditation Techniques, Tapping, Chakras, TAT, Subconscious & Spirit Healing Word, Inner Child/Children Healing and Clearing, Expanded Awareness/Activation of your Subtle Energy perceptive senses and capabilities, NLP/Mindmovies, Intuitive Physician, Polarity, Timeline/Past Lives, Clarifying your Authentic Yes/No’s, Enneagram for Freeing, Liberating and Enlightening the Personality: Discerning the Highest-Light “Other” solution, as well as possibly working with or upgrading your personal tool-kit. LEARN MORE
-Sacred Life Force Pleasure and Allowing
-Free, Liberate and Enlighten Your Personality ( with the Enneagram)
-Bliss and Kundalini ( Lived Experience and The Science)
-Light Masters Map ( The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing ® Map)
-Power, Love and Divine Plan in Authentic Yes/No’s Felt in the Body
Mission Statement
“The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Enlightenment System™ illuminates and implements the Highest-Light Resonant tool for the Highest-Light Resonant person at the Highest-Light Resonant place and the Highest-Light Resonant time. When we focus on our Highest-Fullest Light Guidance System and follow our True Pinnacles and True Priorities, we move beyond duality, experience highest health and bliss, and we tap into The Higher Self’s Divine Plan for our well-being.” ~Dr. Sierra L. Levy, Creator and Founder