What is Resonance Therapy® & Resonance Healing® Meta-System™?
Dr. Sierra’s Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ is a comprehensive wholistic system with a Map and principles for Lightworkers, Reiki Masters, Healing Touch Practitioners, Energy Workers, Therapists, Coaches, Helpers and Newbies. This System offers training, guidance and opportunities for expanding and upgrading subtle perception skills and confidence in offering optimal, reliable resonant Highest-Light results aligned with an individual or client’s True Priorities, and for optimally preparing for and sequencing of your sessions.
As an individual or practitioner, this practice, its Map and principles supports being your authentic Self, connected to Wholeness, Unity and Highest-Light Truth and your greatest resourcefulness for healing, emotional wellbeing, relief, expansion, liberation, more Joy, Peace, Love, Health and Authenticity in life, purpose, relationships and work. With this System, you can develop skill—and for those interested, advanced expertise—with muscle testing, through embodying your authentic Yes/No’s and other helpful checkpoint preparations.
How do you be the best version of your True Self each moment?
With The Map, practice and intention, you can elegantly find and choose the right word/insight/action for the right person at the right place and time for everything: learning and making progress on your most important Priorities, goals, healing, what to do now and who to be with and when… for the Deepest and Highest Good (yours, the others, and for the relationship(s)).
The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ and Map™ clearly guides you to successfully turn on your Light and your aligned, authentic Yes/No’s. The System’s Map, principles and concepts offer you sustained fullness and living from your Highest-Light Alignment with Highest Resources and greatest resourcefulness available, all of the time.
Learn how to illuminate and clear your mind, energy and aura to access Flow and higher states of consciousness. Clearly, accurately and completely attune to your subtle sensory capacities and enjoy following your Light Path—living In The Light.
Pulled Out The Good
Ann is a great coach, encouraging and measuring things out that will give good direction when trying to solve a problem. She takes a number of things into account: the individual person, situation and possibilities. She provides a positive atmosphere and can pull out good in everybody.
Bad moods do not have to turn into a bad day. ~ ET Washington
5 Golden Rules For Divine Guidance, Fulfilling Solutions and Healing
Learn the Golden Rules for:
1) What to do when in doubt
2) Where to put your energy, attention and thinking for the most grace and less muddling things up
3) What to purposefully consider before acting, investigating or treating with the greatest integrity and purity of intent
4) Ensuring alignment with wholeness, oneness and unity
5) The quantum release that optimizes your Highest potential and possibilities
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Start, Enhance or Upgrade your Daily Practice for Living In The Light
Learn how to create your own personal, super empowering, sustainable Highest-Light resourceful Flow State in the upcoming Resonance Healing® Class- Part 1 or receive Light Team email support for your daily inner work.
How can I sustain my Highest-Light Alignment and Flow State?
You are one in eight billion and so is your journey! You can solidly and reliably connect to your intuition and Highest-Light resources and live your most peaceful, healthy, joyful, creative life offering and destiny…even if you don’t fully know what that is yet. Book a session now.
Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Tools & Techniques with the System’s Principles offers empowering, effective and Highest-Light resonant solutions, outcomes and results. The Map helps you find the Resonant Tool(s) (including from the ones you already know) that is the True Pinnacle or Priority to:
- empower with higher guidance and perspectives
- provide emotional relief
- clear negative or toxic energy, limiting beliefs, trauma
- increase mental clarity and stability, etc.
(Copyright © 2024 Ann Paquin and Dr. Sierra L. Levy- All Rights Reserved.)

Dachigam Natural Park
Request a 10-20 Minute Complimentary Session/Book a Private of Group Session/Take a Class.
Practice and Be Supported in:
*How to elegantly, efficiently choose, sustain and live from Flow State.
*True Pinnacle or Priority Solutions, Healing, Trauma Clearing and more.
*Ignite and Work with your Powerful and Beautiful Inner Healer.
*Learn Tools (or re-member, prioritize, upgrade ones you already know) to effectively, efficiently and kindly support your healthy emotions, thoughts, body, alignment, choices, life purpose and progress.
*Receive and Install Your Enlightenment Healing Word™
Upcoming Classes & Opportunities- Q1 2025
Resonance Healing® Class with Ann Paquin and Jennifer Levy (Parts 1 & 2)
Free, Liberate and Enlighten Your Personality with Ann Paquin
Group Light Meditation following Dr. Sierra’s Advanced Meditation Method with Ann Paquin and Jennifer Levy- for Science Lovers (FREE)
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