What is Multidimensional Kundalini Flow?
Multidimensional Kundalini Flow is a Light-filled embodiment of sacred Light from our base that travels up through the spine to the neck and head into the Pineal Gland and out the crown of the head and side temples. Dr. Sierra—whose Kundalini woke up—guides and transmits about authentic Kundalini Flows and teaches the science and physiology of kundalini awakening and rewiring including: the piezo electric effect, the polvvagal nervous system and crystalline fascia light circuits-connective tissue-everywhere in the body. Dr. Sierra emphasizes to activate and move kundalini in our body for this sacred bliss and kundalini process, we don’t always need to find a partner. It is important to recognize that every experience is unique and individually supportive of one’s deepest and Highest Good.

The Resonance Healing™ inspired and Light-filled Kundalini Activation provides access to higher states of awareness, consciousness, and opens up Kundalini and enlightenment channels for solutions, healing, practical knowing, insights, and evolution. The sessions vitalize and liberate your nervous system, healthy life force flows, and Light. They can support strengthening your inner core for activating your fuller/fullest potential–even in times of stress. Very powerfully, feelings of deep relaxation, love, happiness, clarity and liberation are more readily available to feel and choose.
About Sessions
Practically, these sessions have you come into a comfortable position (seated or lying down) and follow your body’s Highest-Light Kundalini navigation system for movement, feeling, body position, deep relaxation, silence, or authentic expression. Music can sometimes be helpful.
During the session, we will be guided and open to what The Highest-Light brings. Moreover, you can experience increased lightness and clearer connection to your two-way guidance system including True Pinnacles and True Priorities. For your information, shifts with Kundalini Activations generally continue to take place even beyond the designated session time and have a very positive impact on daily life.
Personal Experience
The Multidimensional Kundalini Flow Master Training I received in the Netherlands, in addition to the dedicated years of self development with The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Enlightenment System™ continues to rewire me in wonderful ways that feel super empowering, and yet very natural, most notably by showing up in new more expanded ways-mentally, emotionally, socially, synchronistically and fulfillingly. With Kundalini Flow awakening and activation, I can feel the rising of energy of lightness and bliss filling me up. Spiritual and enlightening rewiring can be felt and experienced in such multidimensional ways that bring greater joy, confidence, freedom and bliss in following The Light path.
Of late, I have gratefully released identification with the human concept of “settling” —a limiting needs fulfillment strategy. Sometimes the most efficient, fulfilling soulutions are contained in the content we overlook or dismiss in this manner. I physically experienced this expanded awareness and realization as a surprising, delightful freer swinging of arms while walking- beyond my habit of posturing and unknown ‘holding’ in my shoulders.
“You have the energy of the sun in you,
but you keep knotting it up
at the base of your spine.”
~ Rumi
I offer Resonance Healing® Kundalini Flow Activation sessions for individuals, relationships and groups.