The Enneagram

Free, Liberate and Enlighten Your Personality

Resonance Healing® and The Enneagram, together support you in clearly aligning your personality with Wholeness, Unity, the Highest-Light Truth, your Deepest and Highest Light/Good, expanded awareness and greater resourcefulness.

With the Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Map™, find and verify the True Pinnacle and Priority healing, developmental and evolutionary Solution(s) and Resonant Light-filled personalized techniques and tools to:

  • Recognize and choose to be in the Flow with your highest resourcefulness.
  • Direct your energy and attention to your Best Self.
  • Recognize more clearly and quickly when you move out of clear thinking, feeling and functioning into a lesser resourced stress mode.
  • Upgrade one’s resourcefulness for moment to moment solutions, balance and flow, beyond limiting coping mechanisms.

Book A Private Session To
-Move your personality up developmental levels.
-Expand and Increase resourcefulness from realizing how your personality type: changes under stress, limits your responses from habitual and conditioned built-in coping mechanisms.
-Upgrade the personality. Heal and Transform its limiting—and less fulfilling—patterns and strategies for getting your authentic needs met (including nurturance, protection, belonging and nuances of each).
-Reveal and clarify the two deepest blindspots of your personality type that most people don’t know about. Liberate your greater potential and enjoy an evolutionary boost!

-Resonance Healing®, Enneagram, Spiritual Evolution enthusiasts, we can work with The Light, and The Enneagram’s Three Spiritual Laws and Enneagram Type patterns and wisdom to enlighten and support your Life Force, Kundalini, Good Feelings, Daily Practice and Purpose. The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ offer principles and a Light Masters Map for practical understanding, connecting to and growing with the Enneagram’s Nine Holy Ideas.

Concept #1: The Enneagram offers transformational dimensions (Three Centers of Intelligence-Body-Heart-Mind (plus Spiritual); personality type integration and stress points, and the Nine Levels of Development) which The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ offers a pioneering Map to guide us in freeing, liberating and enlightening the Enneagram type.

Concept #2: The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ and its Map highlights the primary importance of Resonating with “The Highest-Light available Enneagram Self,” “The Aligned Authentic Self,” and True Pinnacles and Priorities.

Concept #3: The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™ and The Enneagram System of Personalities offer Highest-Light solutions for the individual, relationship, location, time and situation.

Upgrade, Transform and Enhance your Relationships
(including with Yourself)

Schedule a Resonance Healing® Enneagram Session

A circle of rocks on the beach with rope.



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