Since 2002, Ann has in-depth, extensive conscious movement training, personal practice and teaching experience. A previous Nia Black Belt instructor, Ann trained at every level with co-founders Debbie Rosas Stewart and Carlos Rosas in this Joy, Awareness and Body’s-Way honoring fitness program. Nia, was the original Non-Impact-Aerobics, introducing the concept of fusion fitness with 9 different movement forms (3 each from the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts).
Simultaneously, Ann was a dedicated Dancemeditation™ Practitioner and Teacher, in the pioneering embodied Sufi mysticism work of its founder, Sufi Master, Dunya Dianne McPherson, BFA, MA. Dunya’s annual movement monasteries and other workshops offered the authentic experience of heightened peace, presence and awareness from embodied higher states of consciousness, achieved naturally through movement, stillness, observation, witnessing, slow movement, contemplation, deep rest and more in community.
Inspired by the Joy of Movement in Nia, veil dancing in Dancemeditation and a wholehearted gratitude practice, Ann synthesized and created a 40 day Dancing Gratitude practice inviting colleagues, friends and passersby to open dances on Siesta Key Beach, Florida. Months later, she was intuitively guided to Maui where she soon met and trained with Dr. Sierra L. Levy and presently is co-writing the forthcoming book on Dr. Sierra’s Light Legacy to bring The Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™, its Map and Brilliance to the world.
On Maui, Ann offered Dancing Gratitude for World Gratitude Day events overlooking the Pacific. On Maui, Ann soon collaborated with Annie Stackhouse, Movement Educator and professional Modern Dancer to co-offer and produce highly creative Dance Anywhere events for Maui residents and visitors with diverse dance and movement backgrounds. Ann co-produced the events, which Stackhouse designed and thoughtfully choreographed so that they could be performed with just 5-10 minutes of rehearsal the day off of the event. These one-of-a-kind themed–elevated simple, elegant and beautiful community dance experiences included: Holding Up The Sky, Balls and Laughter, Reach, Sweet Sixteen (2016).
For Resonance Dance™ Ann infuses the Resonance Therapy® and Resonance Healing® Meta-System™, its Map™ and Principles helping to invite and identify the True Priorities for the Individuals and Group.
“If you have 8 or more people eager or excited for The Resonance Dance™ experience, let’s co-create an online or in-person experience for your community.”